Mary Bidingal
Mary Banbalmiya Bidingal. I was born in 1950 in Donydji outstation. Her language is Ritharrngu and clan group is Bidingal. Her mother is Yalurr 1 and her father is Dhulutharrama. Her older sister taught her to weave at Galiwin’ku, when they used to sit with Mrs Sheppy, Nancy Walinyinawuy and Warranyarr Gelarr. They used to collect pandanus, strip them off and then dry them in the sun. They used to weave in natural colour before, but now we using many different dyes to make basket . Her totems are the Emu (Wurrpan) and koel cuckoo (Guwak). They used to live at Galiwin’ku before, but moved to Gapuwiyak. She lived at Donydji outstation because that is her homeland.